The Machias Area Food Pantry, founded in 1986 by the late Helen Vose, operated out of Centre Street's vestry for the next thirty-seven years. In 2023, thanks to a bevy of generous donors, the operation moved to a brand new building, where it now operates independently with its own Board of Directors, though it remains closely affiliated with Centre Street.
The MAFP serves Bucks Harbor, Cutler, East Machias, Jonesboro, Machias, Machiasport, Marshfield, Northfield, Roque Bluffs, Wesley, and Whitneyville. Co-directors Ken Warner and Nancy Lewis oversee the week-to-week operation with help from a small army of dedicated volunteers. Open Mondays 1:00–6:00 and Wednesdays 9:30–1:30. 43 Kennebec Road, Machias, ME 04654 Phone: 207-259-6044 Email: [email protected]. |
An Open and Affirming, Shared Ministry of the United Church of Christ
PO Box 265, 9 Center St, Machias, ME 04654
(207) 255-6665 [email protected] Sunday Services at 10:00 Join us in the sanctuary or on Zoom. Click here to join us on Facebook. |